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map type:-
Feltham 1803 map 2

Map, The Lakes, parts of Westmorland, Cumberland, and Lancashire, scale about 5 miles to 1 inch, by John Feltham? 1803.
Published as plate 44, opposite p.398 in A Guide to all the Watering and Sea Bathing Places, by John Feltham, published by Richard Phillips, 71 St Paul's Chuchyard, London, 1st edn 1803.
(map example (JandMN (46))
map feature:- up is N & scale line & rivers & lakes & relief & hill hachuring & parks & county & settlements & roads
inscription:- printed bottom
scale line:- 10 miles = 49.9 mm
scale:- 1 to 320000 ? (1 to 322514 from scale line)
wxh, sheet:- 16x22cm (map orientation)
wxh, folded:- 10x16cm
wxh, plate:- 159x186mm (approx)
wxh, map:- 129x171mm
thumbnail, button to large image

sources:- JandMN Collection
Wordsworth Trust Collection
Bicknell 1990

items seen (illustrated items in bold):-
   Dove Cottage : 2009.81.14 -- map -- Lakes, The
   JandMN (46) -- map -- Lakes, The