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John Speed's Preface, 1611
Transcript of some of the preface to The Theatre of the
Empire of Great Britain, by John Speed, 1611; taken the
preface pages of the 1676 edition.
SO great was the attempt to assay the erection of this large
and laborious THEATRE, whose only platform might well have
expected the readiest hand of the best Artist, that even in
the entrance of the first draught, as one altogether
discouraged, I found my self far unfit, and unfurnished both
of matter and means, either to build, or to beautifie so
stately a project. But how the Lord then composed my mind
for the Work, or rather how his own great power would be
seen in my weakness, is now in some measure made manifest by
raising the frame thereof to his height, which here from the
Press sheweth his aspect unto the World. But with what
content to thy eye (Gentle Reader) I stand in suspence, so
many Master-builders having in this Subject gone before me,
and I the least, not worthy to shew (much less to lay) the
least Stone in so beautiful a Building: neither can I for my
heedless presumption alledge any excuse, unless it be this,
that the zeal of my Countries glory so transported my
senses, as I knew not what I undertook, until I saw the
charges thereof (by others bestowed) to amount so high, as I
held it a conscience to frustrate their designments; wherein
albeit, it may be objected that I have put my Sickle into
other mens Corn, and have laid my Building upon other mens
Foundations, (as indeed who can do otherwise, especially in
a Subject of this nature, seeing that the Wisest of Kings
witnesseth, that there is nothing new under the Sun;) ...
... The true plot of the whole Land, and that again into
parts in several Cards are here described, as likewise the
Cities and Shire-Towns are inserted; whereof some have been
performed by others, without Scale annexed, the rest mine
own travels; and unto them for distinction sake, the Scale
of Paces, accounted according to the Geometrical measure,
five foot to a pace I have set; but in this employment I an
somewhat to excuse my self from wrongs conceived done unto
more beautiful and richer Corporations, which in this survey
are in silence over-passed, and places of less note and
frequency described: For satisfaction thereof, (Good Reader)
understand my purpose, according to the Title prefixed,
which in this Island (beside other things) is to shew the
situation of every City and Shire-Town only. So that without
great injury to all, I could not insert some, though
oftentimes it grieved me much to leave such beautiful places
untouched: which notwithstanding being well known so to be,
giveth no little glory to the Land in general, so to be
replenished with store and choice, as hardly can be judged
which may be omitted. The Shires division into Lathes,
Hundreds, Wapentakes and Cantreds, according to their
ratable and accustomed manner, I have separated, and under
the same Title that the record beareth, in their due places
distinguished; wherein by the help of the Tables annexed,
any City, Town, Burrough, Hamlet, or place of note may
readily be found, and whereby safely may be affirmed, that
there is not any one Kingdom in the World so exactly
described, as is this our Island of GREAT-BRITAIN, ...