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title cartouche Printed upper left in a plain cartouche, rounded ends, is:-
snip from map image
Printed as the heading to the descriptive text below the map:-

labelled borders
The orientation of the map is indicated by labelled borders, an outofdate style by the time this map was published for Grose. The borders read:-
snip from map image
North / East/ South / West
The map is printed with North at the top of the sheet.

scale line
Printed lower left is a scale line of:-
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English Miles
chequered and labelled in miles. The 10 miles = 30.9 mm gives a scale 1 to 520823 assuming, probably incorrectly, a statue mile. The map scale is about:-
1 to 520000
8 miles to 1 inch

sea area
sea plain
The small area of sea shown off the Cumberland coast is plain, not tinted.

coast line
coast shaded
coast form lines
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The coast line off Cumberland is emphasised by shading and tinted blue. The shading is continued into estuaries at Ravenglass. But, the coast lines of the Duddon, Leven, and Kent Estuaries have form lines.
The shallows off the Cartmel peninsula are engraved with a mixture of moire effect and ?tussock symbols, labelled:-
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Ken Sand
There is a similar foreshore shown in the Duddon Estuary.

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Rivers are drawn by wiggly line tapering upstream. The broad streams from Coniston Water and lake Windermere are double lines with form or stream lines. Some rivers are labelled, eg:-
Dudden flud
Spud fl. [River Sprint]
Lane fl [River Lune]
Baroow fl [Burrow Beck]
The major rivers and some tributaries are shown. Notice the implication that fl. is an abbreviation for flud, ie flood? not Latin flumen.
Bridges are drawn by a double line across a stream, the stream might be interrupted or continue where it was already engraved. (Roads are not shown on this map). Bridges are not labelled.

lakes snip from map image
Lakes are drawn in outline, shore line shaded, tinted blue. Some are labelled:-
Ulles fl
Wynander mere
others can be recognised, but not very well:-
Esthwaite Water
Brothers Water
Grasmere + Rydal Water (combined, and labelled 'flud')
And there are lakes in adjacent Cumberland.

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Relief is indicated by hillocks shaded to the east, tinted brown. These are mostly scattered and unhelpful, mostly small and unlabelled. Some are larger and might be labelled, eg:-
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Knot hill [Farleton Knot]
Morton pike [Murton Pike]

There are some groups of tree symbols, which might be tinted green. There is at least on label:-
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Mallerstange forest

county snip from map image
County boundaries are a dotted line. Westmorland has a yellow tint along the boundary, and a paler tint all over the county area. Adjacent counties are tinted along their boundary; Cumberland magenta, Yorkshire green, Lancashire purple. The adjacent counties are labelled, eg:-
Some relief, woodland, rivers, and a few settlements are shown outwith the county.

settlements Settlements are marked by a circle with added elements, and differentiated by style of labelling.
  towns circle, buildings, tower; labelled in upright lowercase text, eg:-
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The latter, the de jure county town, has a cross on the tower.
circle; labelled in italic lowercase text, eg:-
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Watland [Natland]
Note that Longsleddale is not a nucleated settlement; and Great and Little Strickland are separate villages.
  castles Some castles are marked by a circle, labelled, eg:-
snip from map image
Howgill Cast
Pendragon Cast


stones Two ?towers tinted red are labelled:-
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Dunhalrase stones

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