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Tullie House Museum : 1956.24
©  Tullie House Museum
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Print, lithograph, The Irish Gate, Carlisle, Cumberland drawn by Matthew Ellis Nutter, 1833, engraved by C Haghe, published by Charles Thurnam, Carlisle, Cumberland, and by Charles Tilt, London, 1835.
Irish Gate stands in centre of composition, its studded doors thrown open, adjoined to right by a low sandstone building with a pitched roof outside which a couple converse. To left of composition stand two townhouses; a couple stand conversing on the doorstep of the left house whilst beside the other a horse and cart pass by. To left of foreground a couple walk along the pavement.
The work was executed as one of a series of 17 copies of works by Robert Carlyle and published by Thurnam as Carlisle in the Olden Time.
inscription:- inscribed bottom left on print
Drawn by M.E. Nutter, from an Original Sketch.
inscription:- printed bottom centre
THE IRISH GATE Carlisle, Pubd by Chas Thurnam, - London, Ackerman and Co., Hodgson, Boys and Graves and Chas Tilt 1835.
inscription:- inscribed bottom right on print
On Stone by C Haghe.
wxh, image:- 225x161mm
wxh, sheet:- 27x20cm