button to main menu Cricket Match at Edenside, Carlisle

Tullie House Museum : 1912.10
©  Tullie House Museum
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Painting, oil painting, Cricket Match at Edenside, Carlisle, Cumberland, by Samuel Bough,, Manchester, England, about 1844.
Cricket Match at Edenside, Carlisle, about 1844 by Sam Bough. A cricket match on a blustery day with the main body of spectators gathered on the far side of the pitch to right of composition and a small group to left of foreground. Beyond the River Eden, which crosses centre of composition, rises the city of Carlisle. Beyond the city walls the castle is visible to left. The work was commissioned for Mr Howe who lived at Stanwix, Carlisle. The match is said to be between Carlisle and Newcastle with Mr Howe umpiring at the far wicket. The work was later owned by Sir Benjamin Scott the Mayor of Carlisle.
wxh, image:- 90x63cm