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Dove Cottage : 1990.58
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Drawing, chalk, portrait, William Hazlitt, by William Bewick, 1824.
Shows Hazlitt facing left.
William Bewick later remembered Hazlitt's approval of this portrait: 'He [Hazlitt] frequently laid down his knife and fork to contemplate the likeness, gazing earnestly and long, asking if really his own hair was anything like that of the drawing. Mrs. Hazlitt exclaimed, 'Oh! it is exactly your own hair, my dear.' With which he seemed quite satisfied, and in great admiration of what I had done, said, 'Well, surely that puts me in mind of some of Raphael's heads in the cartoons. Ah! it is, however, something to live for, to have such a head as that.' He contemplated the representation of himself for some time in silence, with evident expressions of satisfaction, not unmixed with some natural emotion of vanity, which in him was neutralised by the genuine simplicity of his character.
There are three versions of this drawing - at the National Portrait Gallery, London, at the Maidstone Museum, and this.
wxh, image:- 335x480mm