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Print, uncoloured engraving, The Village of Lowswater, Loweswater, Cumberland, drawn by Joseph Farington, engraved by J Scott, published by T Cadell and W Davies, Strand, London, 1815.
Plate 29 in The Lakes of Lancashire, Westmorland and Cumberland.
The accompanying text:-
IS beautifully situated close to the Lake of the same name, near the north-western extremity of the mountains above Mellbreak. The beauty of the landscape is considerably increased by the mixture of wood-lands and cultivated fields, interspersed with small farms, which, with their waving inclosures, are most delightfully situated. The Lake of Loweswater is about a mile in length, and a quarter of a mile in breadth; and, unlike all the other Lakes, discharges its waters at the southern end. It may be here remarked, that the purest taste will be gratified on seeing the beautiful and romantic character of this most interesting country preserved in all its simplicity by every village, every cottage, being both in form and colour in perfect unison with the scenery in which they are placed. The sentiment excited while contemplating the savage rock or the mgnificent mountain, or admiring the beautiful vale, is never disturbed by the introduction of objects at variance with the impression made by the fine works of nature.
source type:- Farington 1816 (plate 29)
inscription:- printed bottom left, right, centre
Drawn by J. Farinton R.A. / Engraved by J. Scott / The Village of Lowswater. / London Published Septr. 15, 1815, by T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand.
wxh, page:- 37x28cm
wxh, image:- 228x152mm