button to main menu South West View of Egremont Castle, in the County of Cumberland.

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Print, uncoloured engraving, The South West View of Egremont Castle, in the County of Cumberland, drawn and engraved by Samuel and Nathaniel Buck, 1739, reprinted by Hudson Scott and Sons, Carlisle, Cumberland, 1877.
With descriptive text of 1837.
No.18 in The Castles, Abbeys, and Priories of the County of Cumberland, 1877.
source type:- Buck 1739/1837 (edn 1877)
inscription:- printed top
inscription:- printed lower left
To the Right Honble : Algernon Earl of Hartford, Son & Heir Apparent to his Grace the Duke of Somerset & Baron Percy Ld. Lieutenent & Custos Rotulorum of ye County of Sussex Captain of the second Troop of Horse, Guard, Governot of Tynemouth Castle, and of the Island of Minorca &c. This PROSPECT is humbly Inscrib'd by his Lordships most Obedt. Servants : Saml. & Nathl. Buck.
inscription:- printed lower right
THIS Castle was built soon after ye Conquest, by William de Meschines Brother of Ranulph ye first Earl of Cumberland, who gave Him the barony of Copeland, in wch. He was confirm'd by K. Hen. I. when that Barony was changed to ye Barony of Egremont. From him, for want of Male Issue, it pass'd successively to ye Lucies, Moltons, Fitz-Walters, & Radcliffs Els. of Sussex. In ye Reign of K. H. VI. Sr, Thos. Percy was created Baron of Egremont, & tho' He left no Issue, ye Barony remain'd in ye Famly. of ye Percies Els. of Northumberld. tilll Joceline ye last El. who left only a Daughter, married to His Grace Charles Seymour, ye present Duke of Somerset who is in Her Rt. possess'd of ye Castle. Saml. & Nathl. Buck delin : et sculp : Publish'd according to Act of Parliament March 26. 1739.
wxh, image:- 36x19.5cm