button to main menu North East View of Kirkoswald Castle, in the County of Cumberland.

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Print, uncoloured engraving, The North East View of Kirkoswald Castle, in the County of Cumberland, drawn and engraved by Samuel and Nathaniel Buck, 1739, reprinted by Hudson Scott and Sons, Carlisle, Cumberland, 1877.
With descriptive text of 1837.
No.10 in The Castles, Abbeys, and Priories of the County of Cumberland, 1877.
source type:- Buck 1739/1837 (edn 1877)
inscription:- printed top
inscription:- printed lower left
To Sr : PHILIP Musgrave Bart. This Prospect is gratefully Inscribed by his very humble Servts : Saml. & Nathl. Buck.
inscription:- printed lower right
THIS castle was founded soon after ye Conquest, by Radulph Engaine Lord of Kirkoswald, & afterwds. came by Marriage to Sr. Hugh Morvill, who was one of ye Four Knights that kill'd Thomas Becket, & whose Sword, wherewith he kill'd Him, is said to have been kept here for some time. Next it came, by ye like means, tp ye Moltons, & then in ye Reign of K. Edw. III. to ye Dacres, in wch. Family it continu'd for eight Generations, till Ld. Thomas Dacre. who in ye Reign of K. Hen. VIII. moted it about, & after Him for three Generations more, till ye Reign of Q. Eliz. when by Marriage of ye Heiress, it came to ye Family of ye Leonards Els. of Sussex, in wch. it continu'd till ye Reigh of Q. Anne, when ye last El. of that Name dying without Issue Male, it was expos'd to Sale & purchas'd by Sr. Christoph. Musgrave Bart. & Father of Philip ye present Proprietor. Saml. & Nathl. Buck delin : et sculp : Publish'd according to Act of Parliament March 26. 1739.
wxh, image:- 36x19.5cm