button to main menu Scott's Lodore Hotel, Derwentwater

Dove Cottage : 2008.107.406
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Print, uncoloured engraving, Scott's Lodore Hotel, Derwentwater, published by J Scott, Lodore Hotel, Cumberland,
Viewed from the lake side. The reverse side has an advertisement for the hotel:-
'Under the Distinguished Patronage OF THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE PRINCE OF WALES AND PRINCE ARTHUR. / LODORE HOTEL, AT THE HEAD OF DERWENTWATER, KESWICK, IS THE ONLY HOTEL NEAR THE LAKE. / THE above First-Class Establishment was enlarged especially for an Hotel in 1870. It is situate on the Margin of the Lake, and is replete with every modern improvement, containing the Largest Coffee Room in the Lake District, magnificent Ladies' Coffee Room, Private Sitting Rooms, and Sixty Beds; Hot and Cold Baths, and every other accommodation required in a first-class Hotel. It is delightfully situated in its own Pleasure Grounds, which slope down to the margin of the Lake, and the windows command the grandest scenery in the district, embracing the whole of Derwentwater with its majestic mountains. The celebrated Falls of Lodore are in the Private Grounds at the rear of the Hotel. Parties not staying at the Hotel must have permission from the Proprietor to view the Falls and Grounds. / Fishing free, a third of Derwentwater Lake belonging to the Owner of this Hotel. Parties boarded by week or month. An Omnibus meets the Trains at the Keswick Railway Station, and also runs in connection with Rigg's Royal Mail Coaches from Windermere. Boats supplied direct, and Posting in all its branches. / PARTIES TAKEN TO CHURCH ON SUNDAYS FREE OF CHARGE. / J. SCOTT, PROPRIETOR.'
inscription:- printed bottom
Scott's Lodore Hotel, Derwentwater
wxh, page:- 13.5x9cm
wxh, image:- 11.5x7.5cm
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