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Dove Cottage : 2008.107.360
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Print, uncoloured engraving, Remains of Cockermouth Church, All Saints Church after a fire, Cumberland, from a daguerreotype photograph by Joseph Martin, about 1850.
There is accompanying text on the page, about the fire. Probably from the Illustrated London news:-
'In our Journal of last week we briefly recorded the destruction of this Church by fire, on Friday, the 15th inst.
'There appears to be no doubt that the conflagration originated in the tower end of the venerable edifice. From the immense quantity of wood in the construction of that portion of the building, the flames spread with frightful rapidity, and burst through every window, whilst portions of the roof, as the fire advanced, fell in. In this way the flames raged until the excellent peal of six bells, the organ, Church clock, chimes, chandeliers, galleries, pulpit, pews, paintings near the altar, marble monuments - everything, in short, but the bare walls, was destroyed; and even these are so much injured - the tower being rent from top to bottom - as to preclude the possibility of their being availabel, save as old materials. The register and other books, surplice, gowns, &c. were saved. ...
'The church was insured in the Imperial Fire-office for £2000. ...'
inscription:- printed bottom
inscription:- printed in the text
The accompanying View of the Tower and roofless walls is from a Daguerreotype , taken by Mr. Joseph Martin, of Cockermouth.
wxh, page:- 11x22.5cm
wxh, image:- 8.5x7cm