button to main menu Court Houses, Carlisle, and Triumphal Arch

Dove Cottage : 2008.107.358
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Print, uncoloured engraving, The Court Houses, Carlisle, and Triumphal Arch, published by the Illustrated London News, 11 August 1855.
Page 181; illustrating a report of a Meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
The accompanying text begins:-
'THE seventeenth annual meeting of this society, which was held in Carlisle this year, commenced on Thursday, the 19th ult.; but the great influx of visitors did not begin till the following Wednesday. The preparations made for the occasion were of the usual description.
'On entering Carlisle by any of the railway stations, the visitor's attention was attracted by triumphal arches of evergreens and flowers thrown acropss the roads in honour of the meeting of the Agricultural Society; and a number of the houses were appropriately decorated with flags, wreaths. and evergreens, in great profusion. ...'
inscription:- printed bottom
wxh, page:- 28x40.5cm
wxh, image:- 23.5x14.5cm