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Dove Cottage : 2008.107.198
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Print, uncoloured engraving, Lanercost Priory, Cumberland, drawn by Thomas Hearne, engraved by William Byrne, published by W Byrne and T Hearne, London, 1780.
The figure is engraved by W Woollett.
source type:- Hearne and Byrne 1786 (plate 26)
inscription:- printed top right
inscription:- printed bottom left, right, centre
Drawn by T. Hearne / Engrav'd by W. Byrne. / The Figure by W. Woollett / LANERCOST PRIORY. / London : Publish'd as the Act directs, 15 Augt. 1780, by W. Byrne & T. Hearne.
inscription:- printed bottom
- These lone walls and storied arches have a character, marking the Virtues of the Times deceas'd; whilst ECHO from her hollow charnel Vaults speaks in the listening ear of CONTEMPLATION, the Epilogue to Life' MORALITY; how soon its gaudy Pageantries are pass'd, and DEATH without his mask shuts the last scene!
wxh, page:- 23.5x34cm
wxh, image:- 198x256mm