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Print, uncoloured engraving, Winandermere Lake, Windermere, Westmorland, drawn by F Wheatly, engraved and published by Samuel Middiman, London, 1787.
Shore scene, two fishermen? with creels?
Inserted in a copy of Thomas West's Guide to the Lakes, 5th edition, 1793.
Plate 29 (or 3) from Select Views in Great Britain, engraved and published by Samuel Middiman, 3 Grafton Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, 1784-92.
There is accompanying text in English and French:-
PLATE XXIX. / WINANDERMERE LAKE, WESTMORELAND. / IN the former Numbers of this Work we have been enabled to give Views of some of the most picturesque Stations near the northern Lakes, therefore a few Words on the Nature of their Mountains, may not here improperly be added. These Hills are in general formed of a blue Rag-Stone of a fissile, absorbent Nature, and frequently covered with a wet Ling, and Moss: That they imbibe the descending Rains is evident from the numerous temporary Cataracts which are seen pouring down their Sides. In some Parts the Limestone Rock prevails, which is perfectly dry, and the Grass that covers it peculiarly fine. / In these Mountains particularly, is found the blue Slate, which has so many Properties to recommend it as a covering for Buildings; it is beautiful, light, resists the Weather, and is easily repaired. It is observed of these Rocks, that extraneous Fossils or Petrifactions are rarely to be met with.
source type:- Middiman 1784-92 (plate 29)
inscription:- printed top right
inscription:- printed bottom, left, right, centre
Drawn by F. Wheatly. / Engraved by S. Middiman. / WINANDER MERE LAKE. / Published as the Act directs, May 25. 1787, by S. Middiman, London.
wxh, sheet:- 26.5x19.5cm
wxh, plate:- 203x157mm
wxh, image:- 181x124mm