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Print, uncoloured engraving, View at Ambleside, Westmorland, painted by C Powel, engraved and published by Samuel Middiman, London, 1786.
Hay wagon on the turnpike approaching a toll gate at Ambleside.
Plate 22 from Select Views in Great Britain, engraved and published by Samuel Middiman, 3 Grafton Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, 1784-92.
There is accompanying text in English and French:-
PLATE XXII. / VIEW at AMBLESIDE, WESTMORELAND. / THE annexed View is taken on the road from Winandermere, within a few Yards of Ambleside Turnpike, and not far distant from that represented in the preceding Plate. / From Ambleside to Keswick, is about Sixteen Miles of excellent Road; the Hills through which it leads are not difficult of Ascent, being mostly fine Sheep Walks, and well turfed. A variety of Mountain Prospects present themselves in this Tour; and the Waterfalls that appear successively, either trickling down the gray Rocks, or pouring from the Mountains in foaming Torrents, are not to be equalled in so small a Tract of Country.
This could be the toll gate at Waterhead, just south of Ambleside?
source type:- Middiman 1784-92 (plate 22)
inscription:- printed bottom, left, right, centre
Painted by C. Powel. / Engraved by S. Middiman. / VIEW at AMBLESIDE. / Published as the SAct directs, May 25. 1786, by S. Middiman, London.
wxh, sheet:- 26.5x19.5cm
wxh, plate:- 200x136mm
wxh, image:- 182x127mm