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title cartouche
strapwork cartouche
snip from map image
Printed in a strapwork cartouche, decorated with a face, lower right:-
Westmorland and Cumberla~d
Translated from the Latin of an earlier edition.

labelled borders
up is N
Just inside the four map borders are labels, in Latin, for the cardinal directions:-
snip from map image
Septentrio / Oriens / Meridies / Occidens
The map is printed with North at the top of the sheet.

scale line
Printed in a strapwork cartouche upper right is a:-
snip from map image
Scala Miliarum
chequered in miles, labelled in fives. The 10 miles = 15.3 mm gives a scale 1 to 1051819 wrongly assuming a statute mile. The map scale is about:-
1 to 1100000
16 miles to 1 inch
Guessing that the mile is an Old English Mile, the map scale is more likely about:-
1 to 1300000
20 miles to 1 inch

sea area
sea moire effect
swash lettering
The sea is patterned by a moire effect. It is labelled simply:-
snip from map image
with some swash lettering.

coast line
coast shaded
snip from map image
The coast line is emphasised by shading.

snip from map image
Rivers are drawn by wiggly double lines with form lines, tapering at their head. No river is labelled, but it is possible to recognise a number of the larger streams.
snip from map image
The map has no roads but a few bridges are drawn by a double line crossing and interrupting a stream, perhaps with a suggestion of an arch. There are examples at Kirkby Lonsdale and Levens.

lakes snip from map image
Lakes are drawn by an outline, the interior or just the shore, shaded. No lake is labelled, but it is possible to recognise some, with varying degrees of certainty:-
Bassenthwaite Lake
Coniston Water
Derwent Water
and three out of:-
Buttermere (?)
Crummock Water (?)
Ennerdale Water (?)
Loweswater (?)

snip from map image
Relief is indicated by hillocks, shaded to the east. Theses are scattered in spaces between labels, though it is possible to imagine a central patch of hills, a Pennine chain, the Eden valley, ...

county snip from map image
The county boundaries are a dotted line, which is mostly continued alongside an other boundary feature, except the sea coast. Westmorland, Cumberland and Lancashire are not labelled, but other adjacent counties and country are:-
Eboracensis Pars
A few features are shown outwith the map's counties for the sake of continuity.

settlements Settlements are marked by a dot and circle, with added elements. They are differentiated, slightly, unreliably, by size of labelling.
dot and two circle, tower; labelled in italic lowercase text which is sometimes a little larger, eg:-
snip from map image
  villages dot and circle, tower; labelled in italic lowercase text which is sometimes a little smaller, eg:-
snip from map image
  castles dot and circle, tower; labelled in italic lowercase text, eg:-
snip from map image
Pendrago~ cast
Millu~ cast

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