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Cary 1824, Longsleddale
Notes about Longsleddale from the New Map of Westmoreland, 1824, scale about 2.5 miles to 1 inch, published by John Cary, 86 St James's Street, London, 1829.

scale The map scale is about:-
1 to 150000 ? (1 to 153454 from scale line, assuming a statute mile)
2.5 miles to 1 inch
Places identified:-
The map was earlier used by John Cary for the geological map coloured by William Smith: some engraved details of this use remain. Notice the dotted boundary lines crossing Longsleddale north of Skeggles Water, through Swinklebank and over Ancrow Brow. Although their position might not be right, they represent the geological boundaries of the Coniston Limestone Series running across the valley, with the Borrodale Volcanic Series to the north, and Brathay Flags to the south.

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