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These notes mostly ignore the parts of the map away from Westmorland and Cumberland etc.

title Printed in upper right in a baroque title cartouche:-
A New MAP of ENGLAND and WALES Divided into COUNTIES Drawn from the best Authorities.

compass rose
up is N
Printed by the title cartouche, upper right, is a compass rose; circle, star points for cardinal directions, lines for half cardinal directions, North marked by a fleur de lys, East marked by a cross. The map is printed with North at the top of the sheet.

scale line
Printed lower right is a scale line:-
British Miles 69 to a Degree
The 90 miles = 39.2 mm gives a scale 1 to 3694922 assuming a statute mile. The map scale is about:-
1 to 3700000
60 miles to 1 inch

sea area
sea plain
The sea area is plain, the area off Cumberland labelled:-

coast line
coast shaded
snip from map image
The coast line is emphasised by shading.
A headland is labelled:-
St. Bees Hd.

rivers snip from map image
Rivers are drawn by wiggly line tapering upstream. At this scale only the larger rivers are shown; most are not labelled, but see:-
Duddon R
Irt R.
where space in the sea allows labelling. The:-
Solway Firth
is labelled.

lakes snip from map image
A few lakes are shown by inaccurate outline, shaded, not labelled. They can be recognised as:-
Coniston Water

snip from map image
A few small hillocks suggest relief. A couple in the middle of Cumbria,a couple south of Brampton, a scatter down the Pennines. To the north the:-
Cheviot Hills
are labelled.

forests No woodland is indicated, but there is a label for:-
Lune For

county snip from map image
County boundaries are a dotted line. The county areas are labelled, eg:-

settlements Settlements are positioned by a circle, with added elements, differentiated by style of labelling.
circle, cross; labelled in upright lowercase text, eg:-
snip from map image
circle; labelled in italic lowercase text, eg:-
snip from map image


roman sites
roman wall
Hadrian's Wall is sketched by a double line, solid dotted, from Carlisle eastward, labelled:-
snip from map image
Picts Wall

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