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These notes are taken from a road map, Bowles's New Travelling Map of England and Wales by Carington Bowles, 1773. The map studied is in a private collection.
The map size, not allowing for the gaps, is: wxh, sheet = 53.5x61cm; wxh, map:519x595mm. It is sectioned, mounted and folded. These notes have a strong bias towards local interest.

map maker
snip from map image
Printed upper left is:-
BOWLES'S NEW TRAVELLING MAP OF ENGLAND AND WALES; Exhibiting all the DIRECT, AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS; with the Distances from Town to Town according to the Mile stones, and other exact Admensurations. Printed for CARINGTON BOWLES, No.69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, LONDON.
Printed at the bottom border is:-
Published as the Act directs, 2 Jany. 1773.

up is N
The map has no compass rose or north point. It is printed with North at the top of the sheet.

scale The map has no scale line. Roughly estimated the scale is about:-
25 miles to 1 inch

lat and long
lat and long scales
snip from map image
Printed in the map borders are scales of latitude and longitude for a trapezoid projection; chequered at 5 minute intervals, labelled at 30 minute intervals.
Looking closely at the engraved degree marks for latitude, left and right, they appear slanted. It is possible to imagine that a conical projection is being suggested. As there is no graticule it is not easy to test this.
The map includes from about 2d E to 7d W, 49d 45m to 56d 0m N; England and Wales with part of southern Scotland, and the east coast of Ireland, with routes marked. There is also a tiny corner of France.
The prime meridian runs through central London, perhaps, only guessing, St Paul's Cathedral. The bottom longitude scale is labelled:-
Long. East from London.
Long. West from London.

sea area
sea plain
The sea is plain, some sea areas labelled, eg:-
snip from map image

coast line
coast form lines
snip from map image
The coast line is emphasized by form lines.

rivers snip from map image
Rivers are only shown by their estuaries. It is possible to recognise some, the River Eden, for example.

county snip from map image
The county boundary is a dotted line, with a tint. County areas are labelled, eg:-

settlements Settlements are positioned by a circle, with added elements, differentiated by style of labelling. In Hampshire:-
  city circle, buildings; labelled in upright block caps:-
snip from map image
  town circle, perhaps a building, cross (+); labelled in upright lowercase text, eg:-
snip from map image
in italic block caps, the de jure county town.
  village circle; labelled in italic lowercase text, eg:-
snip from map image
Hesket [High Hesket]

road distances
snip from map image
Roads are drawn by a double line. Road distances from town to town are marked along the routes. At this scale only major routes are shown.

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