Low Wax Knott Trial |
civil parish:- |
Buttermere (formerly Cumberland) |
county:- |
Cumbria |
locality type:- |
mine |
coordinates:- |
NY188141 |
1Km square:- |
NY1814 |
10Km square:- |
NY11 |
references:- |
Adams, John: 1988: Mines of the Lake District Fells: Dalesman Books (Lancaster, Lancashire)::
ISBN 0 85206 931 6
Worked by two men in the late 19th century, living in a small hut nearby. When they
stopped appearing at the village pub there was a search; the body of one man was found
in a pool at Warnscale Bottom. It was thought perhaps the other had killed him and
run off.
Adams, John: 1988: Mines of the Lake District Fells: Dalesman Books (Lancaster, Lancashire)::
ISBN 0 85206 931 6