Lazonby Fell, Lazonby | ||
Lazonby Fell | ||
civil parish:- | Lazonby (formerly Cumberland) | |
county:- | Cumbria | |
locality type:- | hill | |
locality type:- | fell | |
coordinates:- | NY51473951 (etc) | |
1Km square:- | NY5139 | |
10Km square:- | NY53 | |
evidence:- | old map:- OS County Series (Cmd 39 16) placename:- Lazonby Fell |
source data:- | Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25
inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton,
Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948. |
evidence:- | old text:- Gents Mag placename:- Lazenby Moor item:- rebellion, 1745; 1745 Rebellion |
source data:- | Magazine, The Gentleman's Magazine or Monthly Intelligencer or
Historical Chronicle, published by Edward Cave under the
pseudonym Sylvanus Urban, and by other publishers, London,
monthly from 1731 to 1922. goto source Gentleman's Magazine 1745 p.624 "From the London Gazette extraordinary. Whitehall, Dec. 18 [1745]." "... The person call'd duke of Perth, with about 150 horse, left the rebel army upon the 11th at Lancaster, and took the road towards Carlisle, giving out, that he was going to fetch a reinforcement. Notice thereof has been sent to all the towns through which he was to pass, and it was hoped the country people would intercept him. ..." "... and next day, believing they would be treated in the same manner at Penrith, they endeavoured to miss it, but were met by the country people on Lazenby-moor, on which they turn'd off to Temple Sowerby, and were hunted all day by the people, who took one of them, and were driven into Orton, at 6 in the evening; ..." others report this as being on Langwathby Moor. |
hearsay:- |
There is said to be a corpse road over the fell from the Petteril valley to Kiroswald,
and a coffin rest stone on top of the fell. |