county:- |
Cumbria (mostly?) |
locality type:- |
diocese |
evidence:- |
old map, descriptive text:- Bowen 1720 (plate 162) placename:- Bishoprick of Carlisle
source data:- |
Road strip map, uncoloured engraving, pl.161, part of The Road
from Carlisle to Barwick, scale about 2 miles to 1 inch, with
sections in Cumberland, and Scotland, published by Emanuel
Bowen, St Katherines, London, 1720. Coat of arms:-
click to enlarge B161Arm3.jpg "The BISHOPRICK of CARLISLE" "Contains two Parts in three of Cumberland, & about the like quantity of Westmorland:
the Remainder of both these Countys being under the Jurisdiction of the Bishop of
Chester, excepting only 2 Parishes in that of Cumberland, which are in the Diocese
of Durham. Value L531-4-9½.- Seat Rose Castle in Cumberland." item:- JandMN : 65.161 Image © see bottom of page
evidence:- |
descriptive text:- Simpson 1746 item:- chapel of ease
source data:- |
Atlas, three volumes of maps and descriptive text published as
'The Agreeable Historian, or the Compleat English Traveller
...', by Samuel Simpson, 1746.
goto source Page 1019:- "WESTMORELAND." "..." "'Tis divided into the Barony of Westmoreland, ... belonging to the Diocese of Carlisle,
... and the Barony of Kendal, which ... belongs to the Diocese of Chester. ... Both
these are subdivided into two Wards, each of which contains thirty-two Parishes, wherein
are many Chapels of Ease, ... In each of these Divisions are several Deaneries ..."
evidence:- |
descriptive text:- Baker 1802
source data:- |
Perspective road map with sections in Lancashire, Westmorland,
and Cumberland, by J Baker, London 1802. Page 27:- "... [Carlisle] was taken by the rebels in the year [1]745, but retaken by the Duke
of Cumberland six weeks after, when one Coppock, whom the pretender had made bishop,
was hung on the walls. Some say the first see was established by the Northumbrians,
and others by Henry the 1st."
evidence:- |
old text:- Church Commission 1836 placename:- Carlisle and Man Diocese
source data:- |
Diocesan map, proposed new Carlisle and Man Diocese, by the
Church Commissioners, scale about 10.5 miles to 1 inch,
lithographed by Samuel Arrowsmith, published by the House of
Commons, Westminster, London, 1836. Recommendation:- "24. That the Sees of Carlisle and Sodor and Man be united, and that the Diocese consist
of the present Diocese of Carlisle, and those Parts of Cumberland and Westmoreland
which are now in the Diocese of Chester, of the Deanery of Furnes and Cartmel in the
County of Lancaster, of the Parish of Aldeston, now in the Diocese of Durham, and
the Isle of Man." Archdeaconries and Deaneries are listed:- "Archdeaconry of Carlisle - Carlisle deanery, Alderbie or Allerdale or Alnedale [deanery],
Westmorland [deanery]" "(added from Chester) Archdeaconry of Richmond - Coupland [deanery], Furnes &Cartmel
[deanery], Kendal [deanery] (part of), Kirkby Lonsdale [deanery] (part of)" "Archdeaconry of Isle of Man - was Diocese of Sodor and Man"
evidence:- |
old text:- Gents Mag item:- Sodor and Man Bishoprick Bill
source data:- |
Magazine, The Gentleman's Magazine or Monthly Intelligencer or
Historical Chronicle, published by Edward Cave under the
pseudonym Sylvanus Urban, and by other publishers, London,
monthly from 1731 to 1922.
goto source Gentleman's Magazine 1838 part 1 p.82 "PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT." "... ..." "Nov. 28. Sir H. Verney moved for leave to bring in a Bill to relieve the Ecclesiastical Commissioners of England and Wales from the duty of laying before Her Majesty in Council a scheme for uniting the sees of Carlisle and Sodor and Man. The motion, which was supported by Sirs R. Inglis and E. Codrington, and opposed by Lord John Russell and Sir Robert Peel, was lost on a division, by a majority of 159 against 53."
evidence:- |
old text:- Gents Mag 1838
source data:- |
goto source Gentleman's Magazine 1838 part 1 p.416 "PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS." "HOUSE OF LORDS, ..." "... ..." "Feb. 22. The Earl of Ripon, in moving the order of the day for the second reading of the SODOR AND MAN BISHOPRICK BILL, was happy to state , that in consequence of communications which had taken place between the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the authorities of the Isle of Man, the former had come to the determination to recommend, not the union of the bishoprick with that of Carlisle, but its continuance as a separate see. The Archbishop of Canterbury, in giving his consent, under these circumstances, to the passing of the present Bill, said he wished it not to be supposed that he was ready to yield on other points to alterations of the Bill passed two sessions ago for effecting a new distribution of the dioceses. He felt bound to state that he should resist any propositions which might have any tendency to interfere with the general principles of that measure. - The Bishop of Exeter said there was one part of the statute to which the most Rev. Prelate had just alluded, which he thought most unconstitutional and most dangerous to the spiritual interests of the Church - he meant that part which related to the constitution of the commission, which he deplored as fatal to the security and dignity of the Church. He therefore hoped that better times would come, when that Act would be removed from the statute book. - The Bishop of London defended the Commissioners; they had not made one step from the Act; and it was impossible for them to originate any measure that would affect the general interests of the Church." "... ..."
evidence:- |
old map:- Nurse 1918 placename:- Diocese of Carlisle
source data:- |
Diocesan map, The Diocese of Carlisle, Cumberland, Westmorland,
and Lancashire North of the Sands, scale about 4 miles to 1
inch, by Rev Euston J Nurse, published by Charles Thurnam and
Sons, 11 English Street, Carlisle, Cumberland, 1918. "THE DIOCESE OF CARLISLE ... Comprising the Counties of Cumberland (except Alston),
of Westmoreland (except Firbank) and the Districts of Furness and Cartmel in North
Lancashire. ..."
evidence:- |
old print:- Lowther 1780s-90s item:- coat of arms; blazon
source data:- |
Print, engraving, coat of arms of the Diocese of Carlisle, early 18th century?
click to enlarge BMZ55.jpg Blazon 'argent of a cross sable a mitre with labels or'. item:- Dove Cottage : Lowther.109 Image © see bottom of page