county:- |
Cumbria |
10Km square:- |
NY74 |
adjacent:- |
places:- |
NY72714701 Banks (Alston Moor) |
NY72494744 bridge, Alston Moor (3) (Alston Moor) gone? |
NY72024784 Coatleyhill Quarry (Alston Moor) |
NY72864719 Fourdargue (Alston Moor) |
NY72414741 High Spencycroft (Alston Moor) |
NY72174774 Jockeys Shaft (Alston Moor) |
NY72054741 Loaning, The (Alston Moor) |
NY72034738 Loaninghead (Alston Moor) |
NY72324765 Mounthooly Plantation (Alston Moor) |
NY72124772 Toll House, The (Alston Moor) |
NY72144774 Loaninghead Turnpike (Alston Moor) gone |