Moss Bay Iron and Steel Works |
locality:- |
Mossbay |
locality:- |
Workington |
civil parish:- |
Workington (formerly Cumberland) |
county:- |
Cumbria |
locality type:- |
ironworks |
locality type:- |
blast furnace |
coordinates:- |
NX98772720 (etc) |
1Km square:- |
NX9827 |
10Km square:- |
NX92 |
Marked on OS 1918 Popular Edition one inch map, sheet 8.
Partnership of Peter Kirk, Charles James Valentine et al formed 1872. Blast furnaces
to make pig iron were begun. The Moss Bay Hematite Iron Co operated the plant. Bessemer
steel making was started 1877 by which time there were four blast furnaces. In 1909
the works were transferred to Workington Iron and Steel Co. The works was still operating
in 1977.
Lancaster and Wattleworth 1977