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Maryport Roads, Solway Firth | ||
Maryport Roads | ||
locality:- | Solway Firth | |
civil parish:- | Maryport (formerly Cumberland) (off) | |
county:- | Cumbria | |
locality type:- | anchorage | |
coordinates:- | NY015405 (etc) | |
1Km square:- | NY0140 | |
10Km square:- | NY04 | |
evidence:- | HO chart:- Hydrographic Office 1850s onwards (edn 1973) placename:- Maryport Roads |
source data:- | Charts, Irish Sea, Solway Firth, etc, published by the Hydrographic Office from 1850s
onwards. "Maryport Roads" |
evidence:- | old text:- Admiralty 1933 placename:- Maryport Road item:- quarantine |
source data:- | ![]() Page 387:- "..." "FIRTH OF SOLWAY. - ..." "South-westerly gales generally cause the highest sea in the firth." "With the wind between SW. and NW., a heavy sea is found as far up as Workington, but it decreases as the vessel proceeds. Having arrived at the entrance to the firth in a south-westerly gale, and being on the English side, a vessel would find but little difficulty in reaching Maryport road, where the sea is reduced by half; ..." |
evidence:- | old text:- Admiralty 1933 placename:- Maryport Roads item:- quarantine |
source data:- | ![]() Page 395:- "..." "MARYPORT. - Maryport roads. - Quarantine anchorage. - Maryport roads are situated abreast of Maryport, and afford anchorage with shelter from all but westerly winds; as stated above, there is no great difficulty in reaching them without a pilot." "The inner road, in which there are depths of from 3 to 4 fathoms (5m5 to 7m3), lies between the 3-fathom line, which here runs roughly parallel with the coast at a distance of about a mile from it, and a tongue, with depths of less than 3 fathoms (5m5) over it, which lies roughly parallel with the coast for a distance of about 2 miles, at a distance of about 1 3/4 miles from it." "The outer road, in which there are depths of from 4 to 7 fathoms (7m3 to 12m8), lies north-westward of the 3-fathom (5m5) tongue. There is anchorage in depths of 6 fathoms (11m0), stiff clay, with Maryport pierhead light bearing 124~, distant about 2 1/4 miles." "Vessels arriving with any infectious disease on board, or from any infected port, are to anchor in the outer road, Maryport (Lat. 54~ 43' N., Long. 3~ 30' W.), until they receive permission from the sanitary authority to proceed to the port desired. The position assigned is in depths of 5 1/4 fathoms (9m6), three-quarters of a mile northward of the above-mentioned anchorage." "Vessels about to enter the harbour may anchor in the inner road, in depths of from 3 1/2 to 4 fathoms (6m4 to 7m3), clay, with St. Bees cliff midway between Chapel hill and the lightpost on the head" |
source data:- | ![]() Page 396:- "of South pier, Workington, bearing 196~, and Maryport pierhead light, bearing 135~, distant 1 2/10 miles." "Directions. - When approaching Maryport roads from the southward, the coast between Workington and Maryport should no be approached within a distance of 1 1/2 miles when near low water, and Workington bank, remarked on at page 392, must also be avoided." |