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Dacre Hall, Lanercost | ||
Dacre Hall | ||
Dacre Tower | ||
Dacre's Tower | ||
Prior's Lodge | ||
locality:- | Lanercost Priory | |
locality:- | Lanercost | |
civil parish:- | Burtholme (formerly Cumberland) | |
county:- | Cumbria | |
locality type:- | buildings | |
locality type:- | village hall | |
coordinates:- | NY55576370 | |
1Km square:- | NY5563 | |
10Km square:- | NY56 | |
references:- | Listed Buildings 2010 |
![]() CEM58.jpg (taken 25.1.2016) ![]() CEM57.jpg (taken 25.1.2016) |
evidence:- | old text:- Gents Mag |
source data:- | Magazine, The Gentleman's Magazine or Monthly Intelligencer or
Historical Chronicle, published by Edward Cave under the
pseudonym Sylvanus Urban, and by other publishers, London,
monthly from 1731 to 1922.![]() Gentleman's Magazine 1744 p.369 "Mr URBAN," "Carlisle, June 8, 1744." "..." "... Whilst I was copying this Stone [a roman inscription in rthe Priory], the Farmer's Son who resides at the Abbey, told me there were some kind of Letters over a Stair case in an old Tower, belonging to their House, which excited my curiosity to visit them. I found it a Piece of as valuable Inscription as any yet discovered in Britain, whether we attend to the odd Irregularity of the Letters, the Shape, or Variety of them; for there are Roman, Runic, and Saxon, sometimes in the Compass of a single Word; and 'tis hard to say which of the Alphabets of these three Nations has the greatest Share in the Composition. 'Tis great Pity that it is not compleat, the Workmen having cut it to adjust it to the Place, so that Part is covered by the adjoining Stones which cannot well be remov'd." "The Form of the Letters is exactly as below" ![]() G744E03.jpg "In my Opinion we are to read it" "Regni nostri primo mense tertio Anno Domini Millesimo Trecentesimo Septimo." "Edward II. began to reign that very Year 1307, July 7, so that the third Month after would still happen in that Year specify'd, and seems to be a Grant for building the Out-conveniences to the said Abbey. The Singularity of the Method of Writing in that obscure Century renders it very remarkable; for in the single Word Trecentesimo, 'tis difficult to say which Alphabet the Latter T belongs to, but it mostly resembles the Celto-Scythic, R is Roman, E is Runic, M, the old Gothic, and in other Words some are Saxon." "..." "Yours, &c. G. SMITH." |
evidence:- | old text:- Pennant 1773 |
source data:- | Book, A Tour from Downing to Alston Moor, 1773, by Thomas
Pennant, published by Edward Harding, 98 Pall Mall, London, 1801.![]() Pennant's Tour 1773, page 178 "... This Sir Thomas was commonly called the Bastard Dacre, being an illegitimate son of Lord Dacre of the north. He repaired the mansion-house, and caused the following lines to be painted on the windows, which were afterwards removed into the east window of the church:" ""Mille et quingentos ad quinquaginta novemque "Adjice, et hoc anno condidit istud opus "Thomas Daker eques, sedem qui primus in istam "Veneret exstinctâreligione loci. "Haec Edvardus ei dederat, devoverat ante "Henricus, longae praemia militiae."" |
evidence:- | database:- Listed Buildings 2010 placename:- Dacre Hall |
source data:- | courtesy of English Heritage "DACRE HALL / / / BURTHOLME / CARLISLE / CUMBRIA / I / 78138 / NY5557963696" |
notes:- |
tower and hall |
Perriam, D R &Robinson, J: 1998: Medieval Fortified Buildings of Cumbria: CWAAS::
ISBN 1 873124 23 6; plan and illustrations |