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 St Mary, Wigton
St Mary, Wigton: bell ringing
Whitehead 1886:-
vol.9 p.265

vol.9 p.266

vol.9 p.267

vol.9 p.268


Whitehead, H: 1886: Church Bells in Cumberland Ward, part II: TransCWAAS: vol.9: pp.240-268

Dove data:-  
A, B, C sharp, D, E, F sharp, G sharp, A
Complete octave; intervals TTSTTTS; A major.
Bells cast by John Taylor Bellfounders, 1998.

Dove 2009

The bells were installed as part of the Ringing in the Millennium project. The first ring was for morning service, Easter Sunday, 1999. A peal of 5008 changes of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung by the Carlisle Diocesan Guild of Bell Ringers, 1 May 1999.
Treble, named Ninian; inscribed:-
"[Esther, Timothy. Elisabeth and Hannah Ravalde / Laus Deo]"
Bell 2 named Kentigern; inscribed:-
"[In thanksgiving for Sarah Jean and Hannah Abigail / Given by Jean and George Simpson]"
Bell 3 named Herbert; inscribed:-
"[Presented by the Rotary Club of Wigton / Rotary Fellowship and peace the world over]"
Bell 4 named Cuthbert; inscribed:-
"[I speak for UCB / In Appreciation of the hard work and commitment of Wigton people]"
Bell 5 named Adian; inscribed:-
"[Given by Wigton Town Council on behalf of the inhabitants of Wigton 'The Throstle Nest of All England']"
Bell 6 named Bega; inscribed:-
"[Given in memory of the Bragg Family who have worshipped in the church over many years]"
Bell 7 named Emmanuel; inscribed:-
"[Martin Edward, Mary and Andrew Stephen Tinnoth Snape named me Emmanuel / Laudamus te, Benedicitus te, Adoramus te, Glorificamus te]"
Tenor named Mary; inscribed:-
"[I Speak for St Mary's / Canon Geoffrey Paul Ravalde - Vicar / Christopher Brown / Anthony John Evans / Christopher Howard Walford - Churchwardens]"

Reay John: 2004 (2nd edn): Short History of the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Wigton::: leaflet available in church

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