included in:- |
St Oswald, Grasmere |
St Oswald, Grasmere: bell ringing | ||
BSI70.jpg Bell ropes. (taken 23.3.2010) |
photocopy:- |
Godfrey 1881:- |
vol.6 p.84 |
t1006084.jpg |
Godfrey, Robert: 1881: Westmorland Bells: TransCWAAS: vol.6: pp.83-85 |
Dove data:- |
scale:- |
A flat, A, C |
Intervals semitone, minor third. |
Bell 1 cast by Thomas Mears and Son, 1809; 2 and 3 by Edward Seller, 1731. |
Dove 2009 |
hearsay:- |
A carillon to play tunes on the church bells was installed to celebrate the diamond
jubilee of Elizabeth II, first used on 3 June 2012. It plays 4 tunes: 10.03am Morning
has broken; 12.03pm Now thank we all our God; 14.03pm To God be the glory; and 16.03pm
The day thou gavest Lord. |
Armitt, Mary L: 1912: Church of Grasmere, a History: Wilson, Titus (Kendal, Westmorland)::
pp.137-143 |