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meeting house, Moorhouse | ||
Moorhouse Meeting House | ||
Low Moorhouse Meeting House | ||
Burgh by Sands Meeting House | ||
locality:- | Moorhouse | |
civil parish:- | Burgh by Sands (formerly Cumberland) | |
county:- | Cumbria | |
locality type:- | meeting house | |
locality type:- | quaker meeting | |
locality type:- | quaker burial ground | |
coordinates:- | NY33565667 | |
1Km square:- | NY3356 | |
10Km square:- | NY35 | |
references:- | Butler 1978 |
![]() BZY22.jpg (taken 28.2.2014) |
evidence:- | old map:- OS County Series (Cmd 23 1) |
source data:- | Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25
inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton,
Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948. "Friends Meeting House" |
evidence:- | text:- placename:- Moorhouse Meeting House placename:- Low Moorhouse Meeting House |
source data:- | : : Quaker Administrative History "MOORHOUSE, Cumb, after 1974 Cumbr ... NY335566" "1668-1740 ... Burgh (Moorhouse) MM" "1740-1913 ... Carlisle MM" "LOW MOORHOUSE, Cumb, after 1974 Cumbr ... see MOORHOUSE" "see also BURGH LE SANDS" |
evidence:- | text:- placename:- Burgh le Sands Meeting House |
source data:- | : : Quaker Administrative History "BURGH LE SANDS, Cumb, after 1974 Cumbr" "1871-1880 ... Carlisle MM" "see also MOORHOUSE" |
evidence:- | old map:- Backhouse 1773 placename:- Moor House meeting |
source data:- | Map, hand coloured engraving, Map of the Meetings belonging to
the Quarterly Meetings of Lancaster, Westmorland, Cumberland,
Northumberland, Durham and York, scale about 9 miles to 1 inch,
by James Backhouse, engraved by Thomas Kitchin, published by
James Backhouse, Darlington, Durham, 1773.![]() BKH2Crls.jpg labelled:- "Moor House / 7.5" meeting day Thursday nearby market day Saturday item:- private collection : 224 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | drawing:- Butler 1978 placename:- Moorhouse Meeting House |
source data:- | Moorhouse Meeting House drawn by David Butler and published in Quaker Meeting Houses
of the Lake Counties by David M Butler, by the Friends Historical Society, 1978 courtesy of David Butler ![]() PR1486.jpg item:- private collection : 377 Image © Friends Historical Society |
evidence:- | database:- Listed Buildings 2010 |
source data:- | courtesy of English Heritage "BURIAL GROUND WALL NORTH OF THE FRIEND'S MEETING HOUSE / / / BURGH BY SANDS / CARLISLE / CUMBRIA / II / 78259 / NY3359756732" |
source data:- | courtesy of English Heritage "A Quaker burial ground wall built in 1694." "MATERIALS: Brick on a cobble foundation topped with rounded sandstone copings." "PLAN: The burial ground is rectangular in plan." "EXTERIOR: The burial ground consists of four walls raised slightly at the south west and south east corners with an entrance at the central part of the west wall. The entrance has a chamfered red sandstone surround to one side with a collapsed lintel dated 1694 and a collapsed sandstone surround partly blocking it. Elsewhere parts of the graveyard wall have collapsed, particularly on the east and part of the south side. The burial ground contains numerous simple inscribed stone gravemarkers." "HISTORY: The Society of Friends was formed in the mid C17. Moorhouse was an early and strong meeting; an earlier meeting house was built in 1681 and the acquisition of the burial ground was recorded in 1694 on land about 80m north of this. In 1733 the first meeting house was replaced by the present larger version, and at about the same time a boundary wall was built in front of the plot. The Moorhouse meeting was formally discontinued in 1913 and the meeting house served as a Methodist chapel until about 1967, after which it was sold and converted into a dwelling. The burial ground has been disused since 1936 and its wall has received little care or attention. Nevertheless unobtrusive repairs were made during the C20 with machine made bricks and some iron ties added to hold some of the coping stones. Despite these repairs some sections of the boundary wall have collapsed, including the majority of the eastern wall." "The meeting house was listed at Grade II in 1957. In 1984 the boundary wall fronting the meeting house was listed for group value at Grade II and at the same time the burial ground wall was listed at Grade II. At the site visit in December 2008 the lintel above the graveyard entrance and part of the entrance surround collapsed." "REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: The burial ground wall north of the Friend's Meeting House at Moorhouse is designated at Grade II for the following principle reasons: [bullet] Along with the associated listed former Friend's Meeting House and its listed boundary wall, the burial ground wall remains a significant reminder of the importance of the Society of Friends in Moorhouse and the surrounding area between the late C17 and the early C20. [bullet] The choice of materials used in its construction exemplifies the use of local materials and typifies the vernacular approach to construction taken by the Society of Friends" |
evidence:- | database:- Listed Buildings 2010 item:- date stone (1733) |
source data:- | courtesy of English Heritage "FORMER FRIENDS' MEETING HOUSE / / / BURGH BY SANDS / CARLISLE / CUMBRIA / II / 78257 / NY3357956666" |
source data:- | courtesy of English Heritage "Barn formerly Friends' Meeting House. Dated 1733 over entrance. English garden wall bond brickwork on chamfered stone plinth; graduated greenslate roof with coped gables and kneelers. 1 1/2 storeys, 5 bays. 4-panel double doors in moulded round arch with impost blocks and false dated keystone. External wooden shutters to windows which are in plain stone surrounds. Projecting square stones, a little above and between the windows. Attic 2-light windows to extreme right. Interior may have remains of its original woodwork which was there in 1974, but bales of straw inside at time of survey prevent examination. See David M. Butler, Quaker Meeting Houses of the Lake Counties, 1978, pp9-11." |
evidence:- | database:- Listed Buildings 2010 |
source data:- | courtesy of English Heritage "BOUNDARY WALL NORTH OF FRIENDS' MEETING HOUSE / / / BURGH BY SANDS / CARLISLE / CUMBRIA / II / 78258 / NY3356956692" |
source data:- | courtesy of English Heritage "Boundary wall in front of Friends' Meeting House. Mid C18. Mixed cobbles, sandstone rubble and brick with sandstone dressings. Low wall with chamfered coping; serpentine curve at either side of gate. C19 field stone gate posts and C20 farm gate. Included partly for G.V. with the Friends' Meeting House." |