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Thorney Pot, North Yorkshire
Thorney Pot
site name:-   Gragareth
county:-   North Yorkshire
locality type:-   pothole
locality type:-   cave
coordinates:-   SD695773
1Km square:-   SD6977
10Km square:-   SD67
altitude:-   1220 feet
altitude:-   372m
SummaryText:-   Grade I; permission from Thornton Hall, Westhouse.
references:-   Balderston c1890
Brook, D & Davies, G & Long, M H &Sutcliffe, J R: 1975: Northern Caves, vol.4 Whernside and Gragareth: Dalesman Books:: ISBN 0 85206 259 1

evidence:-   descriptive text:- Balderston c1890
placename:-  Thorney Pot
source data:-   Book, Ingleton, Bygone and Present, by Robert R and Margaret Balderston, published by Simpkin, Marshall and Co, London, and by Edmndson and Co, 24 High Street, Skipton, Yorkshire, about 1890.
image BLD1P064, button  goto source
page 64:-  "..."
"Swinsto Hole, Shake Holes, and Thorney Pot."
"Returning along the scar to the south of Rowantree Cave, ... Thorney Pot a little to the south [of Swinsto Hole], and in a direct line with the Scales"
image BLD1P065, button  goto source
page 65:-  "[Scales] Moor wall, is thirty-two feet deep, and the cellar at the northern corner descends eighteen feet further."

evidence:-   old map:- Balderston c1890 map
placename:-  Thorney Pot
source data:-   Map, the hills in the Ingleton area, probably by Robert R Balderston, engraved by Goodall and Suddick, Leeds, West Yorkshire, about 1890.
"Thorney Pot"
item:-  private collection : 27.1
Image © see bottom of page

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