Nether Bower garage, Longsleddale | ||
site name:- | Nether Bower | |
locality:- | Longsleddale | |
civil parish:- | Longsleddale (formerly Westmorland) | |
county:- | Cumbria | |
locality type:- | garage | |
coordinates:- | NY50580202 | |
1Km square:- | NY5002 | |
10Km square:- | NY50 | |
altitude:- | 515 feet | |
altitude:- | 157m | |
BPG61.jpg The front:- "HAIL! BELOVED ONES" "AW / 1921" "MHT / FECIT" and a reverse number 4. (taken 26.5.2008) BPG62.jpg The road side of the garage. (taken 26.5.2008) |
BPG63.jpg Road side: zodiak signs, top to bottom - Aries, Taurus, Gemini; and:- "LAT 54 24 N" "LONG [2 45 W]" These are the correct latitude and longitude coordinates of the garage. (taken 26.5.2008) BPG64.jpg Road side: zodiak signs, top to bottom - Cancer, Leo, Virgo; AND:- "ALT 520 FT" "EDINBURGH [138]" The altitude is about right for the garage (not the house). (taken 26.5.2008) BPG65.jpg Road side: zodiak signs, left top to bottom - Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, right top to bottom - Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces; and:- "YARMOUTH 267" "LONDON 261 MLS" (taken 26.5.2008) |
BLQ60.jpg Inscription over the door of the garage. "HAIL! BELOVED ONES" (taken 1.3.2006) BLQ61.jpg Inscription left of door of the garage. "AW 1921" AW is Alfred Wilson. (taken 1.3.2006) BLQ62.jpg Inscription left of the door of the garage. "MHT FECIT" MHT is Matthew H Thompson. (taken 1.3.2006) |
hearsay:- |
The garage at Nether Bower was built in the 1921 by Alfred Wilson. The basic structure
is cast concrete, marks of the shuttering can still be seen. |
The owner, 2004, had no idea why there are zodiak symbols on the sides. The places
with distances are believed to be where relatives of Mr Wilson lived. Over the door
to the garage there is said to be a quotation from Wordsworth, if uncovered the whole
frontal might fall down! |
A new owner, 2005, has cleared the ivy. The quotation on the front is:- |
but this doesn't seem to be by Wordsworth or anyone else. The owner suggests the zodiac
signs are of Mr Wilson's beloved ones, his relatives, but this seems a like wishful
thinking - unless the relatives were born in under exact sequence of zodiac signs.
Mr Wilson's initials and date and the builder's initials are on the front of the garage.
All the signs of the zodiak are on the side. A motto:- |
"Aspice et abi" |
Look and go (?) |
is on the right side top. |
observation:- |
The latest owners have had the garage restored; and it stands proud with a new coat
of paint, May 2008. All the inscriptions can now be seen, though some cannot be read. |