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Kirk, Kirkby Moor
Kirkby Moor Stone Circle
locality:-   Kirkby Moor
civil parish:-   Kirkby Ireleth (formerly Lancashire)
county:-   Cumbria
locality type:-   stone circle
coordinates:-   SD251827
1Km square:-   SD2582
10Km square:-   SD28
altitude:-   656 feet
altitude:-   200m

Rough circular bank with stones, and ?associated standing stones.
Up to the 19th century the circle was used as a meeting place on Easter Mondays, wrestling, hurling, leaping, dancing, and such like games.

Waterhouse, John: 1985: Stone Circles of Cumbria: Phillimore and Co (Chichester, Sussex):: ISBN 0 85033 566 3
Jopling, C M: 1846:: Archaeologia: vol.31: pp.448
Burl, H A W: 1976: Stone Circles of the British Isles: Yale University Press (United States)

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