Far Arnside |
civil parish:- |
Arnside (formerly Westmorland) |
county:- |
Cumbria |
locality type:- |
locality |
locality type:- |
buildings |
coordinates:- |
SD44937638 (etc) |
1Km square:- |
SD4476 |
10Km square:- |
SD47 |
 CBJ37.jpg (taken 8.8.2014)
evidence:- |
old map:- OS County Series (Wmd 46 13) placename:- Far Arnside placename:- Arnside, Far
source data:- |
Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25
inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton,
Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948.
places:- |
SD453759 coast, Arnside (Arnside) |
SD44627639 coast, Far Arnside (Arnside) |
SD44707632 Far Arnside Coral Bed (Arnside) |
SD44937637 Furze Hill (Arnside) |
SD45127659 Hollins Farm (Arnside) |
SD45097641 Lane House Farm (Arnside) |
SD45227636 post box, Far Arnside (Arnside) |
SD45217628 Priory Cottage (Arnside) |
SD44927636 Stoney Gap (Arnside) |