button to main menu    Jefferys 1770

Index Map
map image with button areas

(Jefferys's map is plotted with north at the top; it is presented here with areas corresponding to ngr 200x200m squares as live "buttons".)

SD5193C SD5193H SD5193M SD5193B SD5193G SD5193L SD5193R SD5193F SD5193K SD5193Q SD5193V SD5192J SD5192P SD5192U SD5192Z SD5192I SD5192N SD5192T SD5192Y SD5192H SD5192M SD5192S SD5192X SD5292C SD5192G SD5192L SD5192R SD5192F SD5192K SD5192Q SD5191J SD5191P SD5191U
button to lakes menu   Lakes Guides menu.