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3rd edn addenda, page 303:-
words. This mode of speaking the word under consideration is precisely the vulgar one used in some of these northern parts where they call sound, soond - hound, hoond - pound, poond - ground, groond, &c. in which pronunciation, though we cannot think there is much beauty, there is undoubtedly a becoming uniformity worthy of imitation.
It is not easy to see on what account this word wound was singled out for the favorite alteration, but it is easy to see that its new sound will injure the rhymes of many of our best poets, particularly Pope, who always considers wound as rhyming with any of the other words above-mentioned. This hint may perhaps give a south-country person, a different idea than he might have entertained of the propriety of the innovation in question: For certainly nothing ought to be adopted into a language which is unnecessarily contrary to its analogy and fundamental laws.

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