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Page 149:-
When we had reached the bottom of this ghastly and tremendous hollow, we almost wondered at our own temerity in descending into it, so horridly steep were the yawning cliffs that enclosed us.
This was not one of Flora's favourite haunts, for our only botanical acquisition was Saxifraga Stellaris, which glittered with the spray of a brawling little torrent that leaped down a rocky channel hung with moss, through which the water oozed from the side of the mountain. But we were tenfold repaid for this deviation by a prospect of the most fascinating kind, we were in a spot where two rocky side screens cut off all that was superfluous in the landscape; our vision was confined to a true painter's quantity - capable of being comprehended at once by the eye; but such an eyeful as we thought no mortal had ever been permitted to contemplate! Beneath us the richly enamelled plain embellished in the most variable manner imaginable; farms, cottages and mansions, some overlooking the landscape upon planted eminences, some embossomed in thickets, and others seated in the midst of smiling pastures all contributed to heighten the beauty of the diversified scene. The town of Keswick appeared in the best point of view; beyond it the peaceful lake with all its bays and sinuosities, richly margined with wood, and its islands studding the watery area in the
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