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Pages iii-iv, preface:-
guide book
GUIDES and Tours to the Lakes have been, and continue to be,
offered to the Public in various forms and sizes; but they are
chiefly devoted to a single object - the
picturesque appearance of the Country - to the exclusion
of other important considerations.
It is admitted, that the gratification of the eye is a leading
motive with many of those who make the Tour of the Lakes;
but it is not so with all. The reflecting mind will feel
more satisfaction in having gained some knowledge of
the structure, the natural history, and productions, of
the region he has visited.
As a resident among the objects he attempts to describe, the
Author of this Manual has possessed many opportunities
of making observations, which would escape the notice of
the transient visitor - the compiler from the works of
others - or even of one who undertook a tour for the
professed purpose of making a book.
Availing himself of these advantages, and a little
experience in surveying, he constructed a Map of the
District, divested of many errors which had been copied
into former maps, and containing some particulars not to
be found in any other. This Map has been accompanied with
such descriptions, directions, and remarks, as were
judge likely to be serviceable to the Tourist; in
conducting him through the most eligible paths for viewing
the varied scenery, and at the same time conveying
some information on the structure and phenomena of
these interesting regions.
The Public have so far appreciated his labours as to
enable him to dispose of four editions, every one of which
has been carefully revised, and interspersed with
additional matter; but the original design has never
been departed from - to comprise as much information
as possible in a moderate compass, and to
supply a book of facts - useful without being either
cumbrous or expensive.
The Lakes have been so often and so copiously dilated
upon, that a concise description of them is all that has
been thought necessary; but the observations upon
the different Mountains are extended to some length, as
they have been hitherto very inadequately and often
very inaccurately described.
outline view
A new species of illustration was introduced into the
fourth, and is further improved in this edition - sketches
of some of the most remarkable ranges of mountains, as
they appear from different stations in the roads or
places easy of access. This, it is expected, will be found
a more intelligible mode of communicating their names than
any verbal description, as well as more easily remembered;
and may obviate the necessity of many questions, which
are often wished to be put when no one is at hand to answer.
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