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From Patterdale, either return the same way to Penrith; or pass
by Brothers Water, and over the very steep hill of Kirkstone, to
Ambleside, 10 miles. Or otherwise, turn off in Gowbarrow Park, by
Dockray and Beckses, to Keswick, 22 miles.
On the road from Wigton towards Keswick, there are some good
views over the Solway Frith; and Bassenthwaite Lake (which some
say should be first visited) is seen without deviating from the
road - one of the richest views of the valley of Bassenthwaite,
being from the top of the bank, about four miles after leaving
Ireby; there is also a good retrospective view, about five miles
before reaching Keswick.
There are various mountain passes by which Hawes Water may be
approached by pedestrians; and a way on horseback through Long
Sleddale, has been described with a high degree of colouring in
some former publications. In planning an excursion, several
things are to be taken into consideration; as, what kind of
conveyance the roads will admit of, how that conveyance is to be
supplied, and at what places refreshment may be obtained. Long
Sleddale is a valley possessing all the requisites of meadows,
woods, mountains, rocks, and waterfalls; but they are deficient
in that harmony of composition which renders some of the more
northern vallies so attractive to the tourist.