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Page 20:-
mark. At such times the meadows are overflowed, all the way
between this lake and Bassenthwaite. Its surface being large in
proportion to its depth, causes it to be sooner cooled down to
the freezing point; and it frequently affords a fine field for
the skaiter (sic). In January 1814, the ice attained the
thickness of ten inches.
The fish of this lake are trout, pike, perch, and eels. The
trout, which are very good, are taken by angling, in the months
of April and May; the pike and perch during the whole summer.
It would be superfluous to enter into a description or
enumeration of the different views on this lake: many attempts
have been made to describe them - but they must be seen to be
duly appreciated.
Derwent Water by boat
Parties navigating the lake may be landed upon the different
islands, and also to view the cascades at Barrow and Lowdore: at
the latter place is a public-house where a cannon is kept for the
echo, which on a favourable opportunity is very fine; the sound
being reverberated from the rocks, encompassing the valley, at
intervals proportioned to their respective distances. To such as
have not another opportunity of viewing the scenery of
Borrowdale, it may be recommended to leave the boat at Lowdore,
while walking to Bowder Stone, at the distance of two miles;
where is a good prospect of the upper part of Borrowdale, with
Castle Crag on the right, Eagle Crag on the left, and Great End
Crag in the distance.
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-- "Derwent Lake" -- Derwent Water
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