page 13:-
Not satisfied with what I had yet done, I retraced my former
steps and added considerably to my stock of sketches, not
only in the year 1802, but in several succeeding years,
thereby improving my taste in execution, and my feelings in
respect to combination and quantity: - some of my early
sketches were considerably in detail, but others were
slight, but though slight they were accurate and tolerably
characteristic, considering the quantity of lines bestowed
upon them: as I began to improve they were seen by various
lovers of art, and purchased, and by the estimation in which
they were held I was induced to redouble my attention: I had
from the first of my coming into the country made many of
them of the size of my five guinea finihsed (sic) drawings,
but it was not till the year 1805, that I began to work upon
the super royal paper, twenty-seven inches by nineteen: I
then patiently investigated the materials before me and made
my drawings in pencil with a corresponding anxiety,
finishing as I have always done entirely on the spot.