Gentleman's Magazine 1850 part 2 p.468
[con]sisted of three parts. Of these the second part alone -
The Excursion - was finished and given to the world by the
author. The first book of the first part of the Recluse
still remains in manuscript; but the third part was only
planned. The Prelude, therefore, complete as it is with
regard to a brief period of the poet's life, is only a
fragment, and one more example of the many which the last
generation could produce of the uncertainty of human
projects and of the contrast between the promise of youth
and the accomplishment of manhood. Such as it is, we rejoice
to welcome it, while we regret that the greeting and
applause with which it has been universally hailed, can no
longer soothe and strengthen the soul of the great
regenerator of English poetry - William Wordsworth.