Gentleman's Magazine 1841 part 1 p.604
this busynes we knowe to be most sufficient and very good,
Chargeinge and commaundinge all Churchwardens and sidemen
presently upon the sight heareof to ayde further and assiste
the saide John Sergent or his sufficient deputie in the
performemabce of his premisses where neede shall require,
and where such ornaments are wantinge, as they tender theire
duetie to Allmightie God, and the King's most excellent
Matie, accordinge as we expect, or upon
yor contempt ye shall heare from us in Another
kinde. And this or Lycence to contynue so longe
as he shall lawdiblye and honestlye behave hymselfe in this
service, takeinge for his worke and paynes no more then he
shall well deserve, And shall reasonablie agree for
wth the Churchwardens of every such Church and
Chappell, And untill we shall understand all the said
Churches and Chappells, togeather wth theire
Chauncells, so to be Decently Adorned as aforesaide. In
withnesse whereof, we have heare-unto set or hand
and Seale of Office this [blank] of [blank] 1614. And in the
Twelveth yeare of the Raigne of or Soveraigne
Lorde and Kinge James, by the grace of God of England,
Fraunce, and Irelond, And of Scotland the Eight and
fortieth, Defendor of the Faythe, &c.
(ENDORSED.) The letter to be sente by Norwich Cart to be
left at the syne of the Bell in Thetforde, to be sent to Mr.
Wm. Barret, of Mones ... in Norff.
The seal and signature are wanting. The latter was probably
upon the slip of vellum to which the seal was affixed.
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