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Gentleman's Magazine 1838 part 2 p.375

  Topographical Prosings
Topographical Prosings

Hints for Antiquarian Tourists
Hints for Antiquarian Tourists.
... ...
THERE are few person, however incurious, who have not felt the want of information respecting districts through which they have travelled, and of the features which, from the absence of some association of the mind, they quickly lose all distinct recollection. The peculiarities of a country, to witness which is the usual reason for travel, are best observed and remembered by those who have cultivated some branch of natural science or history, - some liberal art, - or who have learned to employ their pencil. The general survey or vague recollection of beautiful scenery, rich foliage, picturesque ruins, or a foreign tongue, affords no present or future enjoyment equal with that of the traveller whom Botany or Geology, Drawing, Architecture, or the science of language, provide at every step with matter for inquiry, and who returns home with his inquisitive functions in healthy vigour, seeking a fuller knowledge upon the many subjects which an entire novelty has offered to him, and tasting the sound and lasting satisfaction given to the acquisition of truth without any reference to its utility.
The best way to enable a traveller to profit to any extent by his travel, would probably be to give him a manual or hand-book of those branches of knowledge, instances of which were likley to come within his reach, and so to point out their more particular features, as not only to satisfy a transient curiosity, but to excite a desire for information upon matter of permanent interest. Such a book should point out what is best to be observed and committed to memory upon the spot, and in what quarter more diffuse information may be obtained, if required, afterwards at home.
It would occupy more space than can be spared to explain even the leading feature of the plan above mentioned; we shall, therefore, as more in accordance with the tenour of this Journal, confine our remarks at present to the subject of Gothic Architecture, and more particularly to the best method of examining ancient ruins with exactness and rapidity.
An antiquary is generally a person
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