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Gentleman's Magazine volume 100, 1830

book feature (partial): text

Volume numbering

  volume numbering
The volume numbering of the magazines in Carlisle Library is confused from 1830 to 1833. This may be the fault of the binder who originally bound and cased these particular volumes. The confusion is in the spine number of the volumes; unfortunately those from 1831 to 1833 part 1 have no volume title page from which to check the publisher's numbers. The volumes stand on the shelf as tabulated below, with suggested 'correct' volume numbers:-
yearpartCarlisle numberGM title page
18301100100 (ns 23)
18302100100 (ns 23)
18332103103'end of series'
1834111'new series'
The confused numbering, or labelling, of the volumes is a snare for researchers picking up one volume in isolation: BEWARE.


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