A general index to the magazine from 1731 to 1818 is
The pattern of indexing follows that of the volume
indexes; there are four volumes in which:-
This index, which will be of the greatest utility to those
who possess the whole set of the most antient and
best-supported Magazine, is divided into Seven distinct
1. Essays, Original Letters, &c. &c.
2. Select Poetry, antient and modern.
3. Books reviewed.
4. Books announced for Publication.
5. Musical Publications.
6. Plates.
7. Promotions, Births, Marriages, Obituary, &c.
A fifth volume repeats some of the indexing, being both a
list and index to plates and illustrations.
Dr Johnson's comment is:-
The Utility of GENERAL INDEX, to so Miscelllaneous a Work as
the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, when the Indulgence of the Publick
has increased to [NINETY] Volumes, is too evident to be
questioned; and we therefore hope that we are now making
some return to our Friends, however unequal, for the Favours
which we have received; for not to be able to find what we
know to be in our possession, is a more vexatious
circumstance than the mere want of what we have neglected to
procure. This index will not only assist the Forgetful, but
direct the Inquisitive. It will enable those who read for
higher purposes then mere Amusement, to class the many
subjects which our extenive Plan has included, and to bring
together much useful Knowledge, in ...
And there is a statement of aims and objectives (to use
contemporary parlance).