review |
volume 65
Gentleman's Magazine vol.65,
2 parts, 1795
book feature (partial): text
Title page
A correspondence address is added to the imprint.
THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical
Chronicle. / For the YEAR MDCXCV. / VOLUME LXV. / PART THE
FIRST. / [device, hand of flowers] / By SYLVANUS
URBAN, Gent.
LONDON, Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, / at Cicero's
Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / where LETTERS
are particularly requested to be sent, POST PAID. / And sold
by ELIZ. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Paul's /
Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1795.
letters to the editor
Notice the exhortation to prepay the postage, this is
before the present day system of postage stamps paid by the
sender. In 1795 payment for carrying a letter was usually
arranged between the carrier and the person receiving the
letter; you had to pay for a letter you then discovered you
did not want! (Hmm: shades of junk mail and internet