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Page 84:-
the walls. The gate-way tower is ornamented with the arms of the Umfranvilles, Multons, Lucies, Percies, and Nevilles, for to all these families this fortress has by turns belonged; the main body is covered with ivy, and with the walls and other towers forms a good study. On the margin of the Derwent is a plain of considerable extent, in which is a public walk beautifully terminated by lofty cliffs, covered with trees - at the other by the ruins of the castle impending over the river, whose opposite banks are diversified by tillage. Indeed, the country round the town is pleasantly varied with hill and dale, wood and water. The Globe is the chief inn, and is most respectably conducted. The Sun and the Apple Tree inns may be mentioned.
Before leaving this town, the village of Papcastle, crowning the ridge on the northern banks of the Derwent, should be visited. Many of the houses are genteel and commodious; but above the village is the site of a Roman Castrum, where a great variety of coins, urns, inscriptions, and remains of baths, have been found. It subsequently became the seat of the first lords of Allerdale, before they transferred themselves to the more advantageous position occupied by Cockermouth Castle.
  Bridekirk font
As Bridekirk is only two miles distant, the antiquarian tourist ought to spare time for the purpose of inspecting the rare and curious Font in the parish church.
The new road from Cockermouth to Bassen-
gazetteer links
button -- "Apple Tree Inn" -- Apple Tree Inn
button -- Cockermouth Castle
button -- "Cockermouth" -- Cockermouth
button -- "Globe Inn" -- Globe Hotel
button -- "Papcastle" -- Papcastle
button -- (roman fort, Papcastle)
button -- St Bridget's Church
button -- "Sun Inn" -- Sun Inn
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