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Page 148:-
"yf we overcome you, yee shall bee in our wylls: wherefore, for a conclusion, if you wyll not comen wis us for a reformation of the premises, we certify you by this our writing, that we wyll feyght and dye, both against you, and all these that shall be aboutwards to stoppe us in the said pilgrimage; and God shall shew his grace and mercy therein; and when yee shall be judged hereafter to be shedars of some Crysten blood, and destroiers of your euyn Crysten.
"From Robert Aske, chiefe Captaine of the commynalty assembled in pilgrimage; for the barony and comynalty of the same,
"yn the name of all the comynalty and barony."
The conclusion seems to have been added by another person, and by the stile, further North, for it is quite a Cumberland phrase to this day, I'll feyght till I dye (or dee.)
I shall next put down their charges against King Henry.
I. "The first is, that no infant shall receive the blessed sacrament of baptisme, bott onlesse an trybett to bee payd to the Kyng.
II. "The second is, that no man under L.20 landes shall eyte no brede made of wheate, nor capon, chekyn, gois, nor pigge, bott onlesse to pay trybett to the King.
III. "The third is, that for every ploghe land the King will have en trybett, with other diverse, extreme, urgent causes; and hertely fare ye well.
To the Commyns of Hawkeside Parish, Bailiffs, or Constables, with all the Hamletts of the same.
Wellbeloved, we greet you well; and whereas our brother Poverty, and our brother Rogers goith forward, is openly for the aid and assistance of your faith and holy church, and for the reformation of such abbeys and monasteries, now dissolved and subpressed without any just cause. Wherefore gudde brethers, forasmuch as our sayd brederyn hath send to us for ayde and helpe, wee do not only effectualy desire you, but also under the paine of deadly sinne we commaunde you, and evry of you, to be at the stoke greene beside Hawkside kirke, the Saturday next, being the xxviii day of October, by xi of the clock, in your best array; as you will make answer before the heigh judge at the dreadfull day of dome, and in the payne of pulling downe your houses, and leasing of your gudds, and your bodies to be at the Capteyn's will: for at the place aforesaid, then and there, yee and we shall take further directions concerning our faith, so farre decayed, and for gudde and laudable customes of the country, and such naughty inventions and strange articles now accepted and admitted, so that our said brother bee subdued, they are lyke to goe furthwards to utter undoing of the commynwealth.
I shall next insert another, which was sent to Scarborough, being the southernmost part of the insurrection.
To the Bailiffs and Communes of the town of Scarboro'.
Welbelouyd, we Francys Bygod knyghte, and John Halom yoman, in the name of
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