Page 29:-
Whence astonish'd, fearing harming,
Leave I took, but gave no Warning.
Thence to Lonesdale, where I view'd
An Hall, which like a Tavern shew'd;
Neat Gates, white Walls, nought was sparing,
Pots brim-ful, no thought of caring:
They eat, drink, laugh, are still Mirth-making,
Nought they see that's worth Care taking.
Thence to Cowbrow, Truth I'll tell ye,
Mine Hostess had a supple Belly,
Body plump, and Count'nance chearful,
Reeling Pace (a Welcome fearful)
Like a drunken Hag she stumbled,
Till she on her Buttocks tumbled.
Thence to Natland, b'ing come thither,
He who York's Contempts did gather,
Gave me Harbour light as Feather,
We both drank and eat together,
Till half tipsy, as it chanced,
We about the Maypole danced.
Thence to Kirkland, thence to Kendall,
I did that which Men call Spend-all: