button to main menu Unknown 1552

map type:-
Unknown 1552

Map, The Debatable Land, Cumberland and Scotland, with lines of proposed divisions, 1552; published by Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, Kendal, Westmorland, 1914.
Reproduced with an article about the Debatable Land by T H B Graham.
(exmaple private collection (230))
inscription:- printed alongside a proposed partition
[The English commiss. offer]
inscription:- printed alongside a proposed partition
[The accord wt ye ff. ambassador, linea stellata]
inscription:- printed alongside a proposed partition
[The Scottes offerr]
inscription:- printed alongside a proposed partition
[This is the last and fynal lyne of the parcon concluded xxiiij Septembris 1552]
wxh, map (reproduction):- 188x247mm
thumbnail, button to large image

references:- Graham, T H B: 1914: Debatable Land, The; part 2: Trans CWAAS: 2nd series vol.14: pp.132-157; opp p.133

sources:- National Archives (S P Scotland Edw VI vol.5 no.70)
private collection

items seen (illustrated items in bold):-
   private collection (230) -- map